
Sam has had 2 sinus infections this winter already.  Did a course of amoxicillin from the pediatrician’s office and then went to the ENT as we had the same problem last winter.  He put him on a 2 week course of omnicef.  Well, his nose is much better but he continued with a nasty congested cough the whole time.  Really?  While on an antibiotic for respiratory issues?  So, off to the pediatrician we go…………

And he has pneumonia.  Uggh!  Now on his 3rd antibiotic in about 5 weeks.  Not my favorite thing.  But hopefully this one will finally get him better.  If not, we go back for inhaled steroids for the rest of the winter and possibly singulair for a diagnosis of cough-variant asthma.  I have it so we’ll see where we end up in a week………..

About Tracey

I'm a 35 year old working mamma to 3 wonderful kiddos all with chronic health issues. View all posts by Tracey

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